1) exercise
2) blogs
I'm doing this for a good cause though. Decided to try and raise $2000 for the Half the Sky charity to fund a year of art supplies for a room in a chinese orphanage...anyway after several suggestions, such as shaving off my hair and eating broccoli, I decided to swim for China! So I'm attempting to do 2000 lengths by the end of the year and hoping that people will sponsor me one length at a time...i.e. a dollar a length which is about 70p.
I started at the beginning of March and am currently on 190 lengths.
And this is day 1 of the blog...I have no idea how you do things on it but I will work it out. I'll even post up a photo of me in swim outfit.
I am happy for people to come and verify that I am doing the lengths! I generally swim at Crystal Palace 25m pool..next scheduled swim Friday 27 March and then Sunday 29 March.
Haven't yet worked out how you can sponsor me other than post up and say you will :-) but if I think I will actually raise some money then I can put it on justgiving.com but I'll need to get the Charity to register first as they are US based.
Anyway, enough for now.
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